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Period, No Full Stop!

"Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) is essential to the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls." - The World Bank.

On this foundation, Iban Ifiok June meetup was organised to cater to the lapses young girls experience when managing their menstruation safely.

Menstruation, commonly known as "period," is a normal biological process. It happens when a woman's uterus sheds blood and tissue from the uterine lining and leaves the body through the vagina each month.

Unfortunately, some people in our community, including young girls, cannot properly detect, manage and live with this biological process. 

More than 20 (twenty) girls (ages 12-19) that attended our June meetup were taught the stages of the menstrual cycle, commonly used products, common premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, some healthy habits, the use of a menstrual recording sheet, food items to eat during the period, and more.

Now, our girls understand that menstrual hygiene is a human right, and no girl should stay back because she menstruates. Excitingly, they realised that menstruation can be managed safely, hygienically, with confidence, and without shame.

At the end of our event, the girls were presented with gift bags containing menstrual hygiene products.

We are dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and supporting African girls ages 12-19 years old.

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